We’re still working together here at Mount Alto, but maintaining 6’ distances, pruning a row apart, walking on opposite sides of the path. It’s an odd mixture for us, we share the fears and sadness that our society is grappling with now in the COVID-19 experience, but we are also smack dab in the middle of something joyous. “Bud swell” signals the annual rebirth of the vines, we are staking out the rows for 600 new vines next month and we have the thrill of uncovering the new clearing for our large 2021 planting. We look around and see that many of our friends are turning to growing, cooking and concocting as a source of inspiration and comfort right now — the same is true for us. This place, and our work here is always a refuge, a source of inspiration, and now more acutely than ever. Stay well.